
My name is Michael.

I come from Poland, a small city in the center of Europe.

My goal is to create a system which allows you to become the best you can be.

It will make you transcend your obstacles in life.

You’ll gain access to the step-by-step guide on how to move from

point A which is a life where you lack meaning, clear vision, and direction in your life

to the point B – fighting your dragons of life and reaching your full potential.

Goal of This Website

The goal of this website is to show young people that life doesn’t have to be so colorless and gloomy.

When you take ultimate responsibility for your life and apply certain strategies that have been in this world for centuries, you will find excitement and meaning.

By acting like a responsible person, making right decisions and making sacrifices you will stay on the right path.

Here you can read my articles. I am writing about strategies that put you on this right path. Everybody can apply these tips to make their life more colorful and meaningful.

My most popular articles:

The Hero’s Journey – Solution To Suffering

The Things You Do or Don’t Do Are Far More Important Than You Think

Clean up Your Room: The First Step Towards Greatness

How to Organize Your Thoughts, Tasks and Life: Getting Things Done

You should read this if you want to have more in life, more than everybody else tells you that is possible. By making the proper sacrifices you might get an ultimate reward.

It won’t be a non-sense talk you can hear on the internet. You cannot achieve everything in life. There are some limitations.

BUT you can still achieve a lot and I will show you how to do it.

If you read my blog you Get creative inspiration for improving your life as well as step-by-step process for moving from point A (frustrated, Not fulfilled, left behind) person to point B (inspired, full of fire, knowing exactly what to do and taking action towards your potential).

My goal is to show people a different way of life, which is also the more difficult path. If you want to know more about this path, you can read it here.

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