Diffpath Weekly Report #4

1. Have a balance between sprints and rest.
You can’t sprint forever. Sometimes you need to just chill and recharge your batteries to be able to go faster for the next task. Remember that YOUR OUTPUT = INTENSITY * TIME

2. Reduce information intake.
We are looking for this perfect way of approaching our projects. However, it doesn’t exist. Even if we found one we wouldn’t recognize it. 

Solution? Do something instead of reading all the time. You need to practice first to become a master in what you are doing.

Remember that done is better than perfect.

3. Cold showers are amazing.
I’ve tried cold showers for a week. And it’s astonishing. 
For 2 last years, I’ve been switching the water to cold at the end of the shower but just for 40 seconds.
And that was quite difficult but satisfying.

But now it’s a whole different level. It’s hard, refreshing and I love it! It makes you unstoppable and gives you a different perspective on your perception of the world

Try it for one week and see it for yourself 😀